I find it incredible to observe the staggering ignorance of Trump supporters. It is so obvious to everyone except them that Trump is using, lying, and conning them. It reminds me of brainwashed members of a cult that leads them to self-destruction.
To witness the same level of absurd ignorance among most Republican members of Congress is deeply disturbing. Haven’t they read any history books? Given their job, don’t they have an interest in American and world history?
Definition – Ignorance: lack of knowledge, education, or awareness. Source: Merriam-Webster online
Quote – If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be. Thomas Jefferson
Had Trump supporters, and most Republican members of Congress, done a little research on dictators they would know that Trump is doing the “exact” same things. Here’s a list of dead, living, and aspiring dictators.
- Hitler (Germany) – Trump kindred spirit?
- Mussolini (Italy) – Trump kindred spirit?
- Franco (Spain)
- Pinochet (Chili) – Trump kindred spirit?
- Gaddafi (Libya)
- Hussein (Iraq)
- Berlusconi (Italy) – Trump kindred spirit?
- Khamenei (Iran)
- Putin (Russia) – Trump greatly admires
- Erdogan (Turkey) – Trump admires
- Xi (China) – Trump somewhat admires
- Modi (India) – Trump follower
- Bolsonaro (Brazil) – Trump follower
- Duterte (Philippines) – Trump somewhat admires
- So on and on…
Here are the tactics they use.
- Lie, lie, and lie about everything!
- Claim that they alone have all the solutions.
- Blame others for their and the nation’s failings.
- Villainize the Press e.g. “Fake news.”
- Repeat all of the above over and over again.
Here are the reasons they do it.
- To avoid criminal prosecution and prison.
- To gain ultimate power and dominance.
- To hurt and destroy their enemies.
- To acquire massive wealth.
- To feed their egos.
Trump has done all of the above throughout his life. And 100 times more as president.
On February 13, 2021, 43 Republican Senators stood and gave a verbal vote of “Not Guilty” to acquit Donald J. Trump of his “second” impeachment charge of incitement of the insurrection on January 6, 2021. It was the ultimate display of cowardice, selfishness, and stupidity. Even as a group they couldn’t be courageous.
With just a little research into Trump’s background, you will clearly find that Donald J. Trump has a long history of being a liar, cheat, crook, con, failure, and a (colossal) loser! Interestingly, these are the same words Trump uses to attack people. Consider that from a “psychological” viewpoint. Now, consider it from a “character” perspective. What do you see? I see a soulless, worthless man.
The books listed here confirmed what I have always thought of Trump and 1,000 times more so as “president.” They also gave me many insights into the depth of this despicable man from individuals who witnessed his behavior firsthand over many years. They also refreshed and expanded my knowledge of American and world history.
I found these books to be extremely interesting and enlightening. I highly recommend them. I doubt that any hardcore Trump supporter would have the courage to read them out of fear of what they might reveal about themselves.
I’ve thought a lot about why Trump supporters continue to follow this man after his incompetent presidency, deadly handling of COVID-19, and especially the heartbreaking January 6, 2021 insurrection. I have come to these conclusions.
- They cannot face themselves after becoming their worst self by Trump.
- They vehemently insist on staying ignorant and naive to avoid the truth.
- They maintain the same deplorable character, attitude, and behavior as Trump.
- They are emboldened by Trump’s support of their deranged fanatical beliefs.
- They selfishly delight in how Trump’s gigantic tax cut made them even richer.
- They (most Republican Congress members) are focused on keeping their job and “not” doing it — as they pledged.
The most baffling part of Trump supporters’ ignorance is their belief that Donald J. Trump cares about them. He does not! He is using them to serve himself and his own twisted aspirations.
The truth about Trump will come out. Donald J. Trump will pay a devastating price. And his supporters will pay an agonizing price of knowing that they are partly responsible for empowering Trump, which resulted in tremendous damage to the United States and countless Covid-19 deaths. Truth and responsibility are inescapable.
There is a way out for Trump supporters though. But only one. Here it is.
- Completely reject Trump and everyone (his supporters) and everything (Fox News) connected to him.
- Educate yourself on Trump, dictators, American, and world history for internal fuel.
- Do everything you can to ensure Trump never ever gets elected to any office.
- Do everything you can to ensure Trump pays for his crimes against America.
Doing all the above is a (former) Trump supporter’s path to redemption and courageous patriotism. This is what Trump’s former personal attorney, Michael Cohen (find his book here), is doing. Break out of Trump’s soul-killing prison and make this your redemption.
Ignorance is not bliss. It is devastation.