You will not find them among most Trump supporters. You will not find them among most Republican members of Congress — the party of Lincoln. You will find them among many Democrats, Independents, and Nonpartisans. I am a registered non-partisan.
When I say where are America’s Abraham Lincoln’s, I’m talking about women and men of integrity who stand up and do what is right. For America, for democracy, and for freedom!
I’m talking about courageous men and women who make doing what’s right for America more important than their own self-interests. This is an unknown concept to Trump and his entire family except for Mary Trump (find her book here).
Lincoln men and women do what’s right even if it costs them their jobs. Even if it cost them relationships. Even if it cost them their lives — like soldiers are doing right now.
COVID-19 is not the China virus in the United States. It is the Trump virus! It created hell on earth in the United States and Trump is 100% responsible.
Stand up and do what is right. You can do that now by voting for the only person running for President who is a Lincoln: Joe Biden. Do this regardless of intimidation or disapproval by ignorant people who stand for nothing worthwhile.
This election is not about politics. It is about integrity, courage, and the preservation of democracy and American ideals. These are the reasons that people from all over the world came here including probably your ancestors.
If you’re a Trump supporter, you still have the chance to be on the right side of history. Otherwise, you will “always” be remembered as a person who blindly and stubbornly stood with Donald Trump — the antithesis of Abraham Lincoln.
For a greater understanding of what I mean by being a Lincoln, watch the classic movie “Mr. Smith Goes To Washington” (find it here). I guarantee you will be inspired. Here’s how the movie’s characters align with today. Jim Taylor is like Trump. Governor Hubert Hopper is like Mitch McConnell. Joseph Paine is like Lindsey Graham. And Jefferson Smith is like Joe Biden.
Be a Lincoln, not a Trump.